Delicious Creative Juices
Podcast Writing, Direction & Production
UN/RESOLVED is an innovative narrative podcast series made for fans of true crime investigations like Serial; gripping audiobooks; and deep, intertwining mysteries.
I created, wrote and produced the show myself (and tinkled on the piano keys to make the music), with the help of a swathe of the UK’s top vocal talent. Since launch, UN/RESOLVED has garnered more than 80,000 downloads, charted in the top 50 of the UK podcast charts, earned a 4.5-star overall iTunes rating, and appeared in a story on the App Store about the show’s production process.
Product Design
As a husband-and-wife team, my partner and I have begun making a series of print-yourself treasure hunts around London. Boxed Hunts takes the buyer on a trek around some of London’s most historic areas, with fun puzzles to solve and cryptic clues to gather.
My wife does the logistics, I do the make-thing-look-nice. We think they’re dead good.
Game Development | YouTube Videography
The Point & click devlog
In my spare time I’m (very slowly) making a point & click adventure game in the style of classic 90s LucasArts titles, and am producing a regular devlog series on YouTube alongside it to share my progress and learnings – as well as interviewing other notable developers.
The channel now boasts 7,000 subscribers, alongside traffic exceeding 350,000 views and a fiercely dedicated community Discord server with more than 1,000 members.
In my spare time I run a small, Etsy-based business illustrating people for wedding place cards, invites, save the dates, family portraits and more.
This started when I foolishly decided to draw every guest for the place cards at my own wedding; I was then encouraged by the maniacs on various wedding subreddits to offer it as a professional service.
App Design & Launch
In 2013 I worked with two friends to design and create an iOS app aimed at helping journalists record and transcribe their interviews quicker and more easily. We launched Interviewy to great fanfare, garnering coverage on big tech sites like Gizmodo, Lifehacker, Cnet, TheNextWeb and, and Interviewy quickly received over 25,000 downloads as a result.
Interviewy was was a fantastic learning process for me; it massively improved my knowledge base across UI and UX design, app-making procedures, PR techniques and much more besides.
Events Organisation
The Lonely Arts Club
Throughout 2013 a couple of friends and I began a series of London events aimed at helping creative people meet up and collaborate on projects outside of work.
It was a bit like speed dating for arty things, and it was great. Unfortunately, we decided to end the Lonely Arts Club when a founding member moved to NYC.
Don’t let the pen name fool you; A Million More Tomorrows is actually my work (fun fact: ‘Bunker’ actually comes from the french for ‘Good Heart’). It’s an epic, apocalyptic love story that follows a couple in four different stages of their life as they face the end of days.
The book has been enjoyed by more than 6,500 people on Wattpad so far, where it’s available to read for free.
Novelty Instagram Stuff
Cat the movies
My wife will tell you this was less a genuine masterstroke and more a means to put off having to finish season one of my podcast, UN/RESOLVED. She may be right.
All I know is, I spent a small chunk of 2018 drawing famous movies with cats instead of people. The less said about it the better.